#133: Leading with Authenticity & Service with Krystal Westfahl

Crystal Westfahl, the President of the Minocqua Visitors Bureau, takes us through the scenic routes of her career journey. Her story, as diverse as the Northwoods she champions, reveals how a degree in natural resources and a formative interaction with WWII veterans charted her course towards nonprofit leadership.  Crystal's narrative is a refreshing reminder that embracing every turn with joy and authenticity can lead to a fulfilling life's work, deeply rooted in community service.

She divulges the intricate balance of being an authentic leader, the psychology behind effective communication, and the courage it takes to show up as one's true self, blue hair, cowboy boots and all. Our conversation with Crystal is a masterclass in community-focused leadership, highlighting the dance between authenticity and the strategic cultivation of trust.

As you explore this episode, expect to be transported to the heart of Wisconsin, where the charm of supper clubs and the allure of outdoor adventure come together into a  tapestry of tourism and community. Crystal illustrates that serving one's community is a hands-on affair, rooted in a genuine love for the place you call home. Through her eyes, we learn the grace of servant leadership, and the undeniable joy that springs from creating positive experiences for ourselves and others. Join us for an episode that's as much about discovering the essence of Wisconsin as it is about uncovering the heart of true leadership.

Find Krystal here: